7th Stone Media
Cinematic Wedding Videography
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Virtual Israel Tour Library
Israel is ranked as #1 for having repeat tourists.
It is filled with so many wonders within such a small land, you simply do not have to be on the bus that long.
The 10 Day trip of a lifetime with a quality tour guide can cost you in the ballpark of $5000.
This is closer to the equivalent of a 22 Day Trip
With clean/smooth moving video, photos, and quality tourbus audio you can appreciate MOST aspects of the land of Israel.
GALILEE: Boat Ride, Ein Gev, Beit Saida, Mt of Beatitudes, Capernahum (Peter's Primacy Church),
Giv'at Yo'av, Susita, Korazim, Tabgha (Fish and Loaves), Ginosar, Migdal, Mt. Arbel, Tiberias. 13
NORTH: Golan Heights, Gamla, Hula Valley, Tel Dan, Mt. Hermon,
Banias/Caesarea-Philippi, Hatzor, Ancient Villiage 8
JEZRE'EL VALLEY/MT CARMEL: Mt Carmel, Har Megiddo, Nazareth,
Church of the Annunciation, Cana, Mt Tabor, 1st Centrury tomb. 7
THE JORDAN VALLEY/RIFT: The Jordan, Qasr El Yehud, Beit She'an, Mt. Gilboa,
Jericho "City of Palm Trees", The Sycamore Tree, Ancient Road to Jericho, Mt of Transfiguration. 8
DEAD SEA: Floating, Qumran (Dead Sea Scrolls Caves), Qumran wilderness/hike,
Masada, Ein Gedi, Metzad Arugot. 6
THE NEGEV (SOUTH): Widlerness of Zin, Be'er Sheva, Tel Arad. 3
COASTAL/SHARON PLAIN: The Mediteranean Sea, Netanya, Caesarea-Maratima (Theatre + Hipodrome),
Ancient Aquaduct, Tel Maresha, Beit Guvrin, Tel Azeka, Tzora, Timnath. 9
NEARBY JERUSALEM: Herodion, Beitlechem/Bethlehem, Boaz' Shepherd's Fields, The Church of the Nativity,
Emmaus, Bethany (Tomb of Lazarus), House of Simon the Leper. 7
JERUSALEM: The Old City, Western Wall, Underground Tunnels, Southern Steps, The Mount of Olives,
The Church of the Tear, Palm Sunday Route, Gethsemane, Church of all Nations, Jerusalem Model, Israel Museum,
Kidron Valley, Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu, Via Dolorosa, Church of the Holy Sepulchre,
The Garden Tomb, Hezekiah's Tunnel, Pool of Bethesda, churhc of St Anne, Mt. Zion, The Upper Room,
The Dorthy Abbey, Caiaphas' House and the Dungeon, Ein Kerem, Church of St. John, Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum*. 24
EGYPT/ARAVA: Eilat, Timna Park, Life-Size Replica Biblical Tabernacle, Solomon's Pillars. 4
JORDAN/AMMAN: Jerash, Ancient Gerasa, Madaba, Greek Orthodix Basilica of Saint George. 4
JORDAN/EDOM: Mt. Nebo, Petra. 2
Plus numerous hours of humorous and memorable Bus Lectures and Q&A
*Indoor recordings of the Yad Vashem are prohibited.